If you arrived in Japan in Tokyo and have already traveled around the country, then you are already aware of this information. But if you arrived directly in Osaka, at the Kansai International Airport, then read on.
You probably have already obtained Japanese Yen at the Kansai International Airport where there are a few Money Exchange services. Large banks and post offices also provide a currency exchange service. Please note that banks and post offices are closed on weekends and national holidays (ATM machines are open).
Changing foreign currency at a bank can be a time consuming exercise. Instead, we recommend alternatives, including arriving in Japan with some Japanese currency, using credit cards and withdrawing cash from ATMs.
ATMs in post offices provide cash against the following credit/debit cards – Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club International, PLUS, Maestro, Cirrus, Union Pay and JCB. Post offices are ubiquitous in Japan and found in the smallest village. The daily withdrawal limit for international cards is JPY30,000. Seven-Eleven stores also offer the same service with the exception of MasterCard cards (this includes Cirrus and Maestro cards). The ATMs at Seven-Eleven convenience stores are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Most Japanese bank ATMs do not provide cash against credit cards, nor will they provide access to foreign bank accounts with the exception of Prestia Bank (formerly Citibank) and Shinsei Bank branches. However, branches of these banks are only found in the largest cities. ATMs can also be found at Narita and Kansai Airports and some major department stores.
Before leaving your home country, please check that your credit/debit card can be used abroad. You may also wish to enquire as to what fees you will have to pay for overseas withdrawals, and to notify your bank that you are going abroad, as occasionally a card that is suddenly used overseas may be suspected of being used fraudulently and blocked.
The best way is probably to use an ATM, but your foreign card won’t be accepted in just any ATM.
International Service ATM:
Seven-Eleven Convenience Store
All 7/11 stores in Japan offer 24-hour access to cash with foreign cards (especially the PLUS network; VISA, DISCOVER; American Express; Diners Club; PIN# required.)
Post Offices
Almost all ATM at Japanese post offices have English menus; VISA, PLUS, MasterCard, Maestro, Cirrus, American Express, Diners Club and DISCOVER
This banks also offers 24/7 ATM service.